Monday, October 24, 2011

Im a Mommy!!!

A fur babies mommy that is! 
(I had ya a little fooled didn't I!)

Justin and I have been wanting to get a dog for a very long time now!
Now that we are both living in the same place our dream could finally become a reality!
Justin has never had a dog, or any other pet for that matter, because his parents wouldn't let him, so as you can imagine he reallllly wanted a dog! He has always loved loved loved bulldogs for as long as I can remember but he still loves about any dog he see's so preference really wasn't an issue when we decided to started to think about getting a dog. 
Saturday night Justin and I were looking online at dogs in pounds around our area and decided that the next day we would go to the pound here in Stillwater just to look and see.

On our way to the pound we saw a guy selling some puppies in a parking lot by the road (sounds kinda sketchy but its a pretty normal thing here in Oklahoma) and like any right minded man would do with a woman yelling "Pull Over!! Pull Over!! Lets Go See What They Look Like!!!", Justin did. Once we walked up and saw the little puppies I was already in love! Justin asked what kind of dogs they were and the guy told us she is a bulldog and pitbull boxer mix. Right then I had the feeling we would not be leaving with out a puppy!
We played with those little pups for quite awhile and fell in love with a beautiful little girl with brindle and white fur. Turns out this little lady was the man selling her's favorite and so her price was higher than the other three but we knew she was more than worth it!

 After she was officially ours we took our little puppy straight to Pets Mart. We must have been pretty obvious new parents because a dog trainer employ came up to us as we were staring up at kennels with faces of complete wonder, nervousness, happiness, and cluelessness and asked if we needed help. We then started asking any kind of question involved with puppies imaginable and luckily Beth from Pets Mart knew her stuff like no bodies business! 
We left with a kennel, a mattress for the kennel, a orange color and matching leash, two toys, three bags of treats and a bag of food. I'd say we pretty much covered all the basics and we were ready to spoil our little princess. 

It took us a while to pick out her name but as we were checking out we decided on Karley. Karley Marie  Kanipe to be exact! 
Now Justin and I are proud puppy parents and we could be happier to now have a little plus one! Bringing her home, taking her to potty, playing non stop, chasing each other around the house, its all a major event now. Oh and let me tell ya I have never been so camera ready in my life! My Iphones memory is already half way full with pictures of Karley!
She's just soo precious isn't she?!?! I can already prepare you with the fact that Miss. Karley is going to become pretty popular on this her blog! So just be ready for Raids of Orange to go up about ten levels of cuteness!

I hope you had a very happy weekend and your Monday is spectacular!!

I know mine will be when I can get back home to that little darling! 

x's and o's 
Kaitlin Jean

Friday, October 21, 2011


Yeah thats pretty much what my mind is like right now. 

I even searched explosion, mush, and craziness on pinterest to find a picture to explain even more how I am feeling inside the head but there just was nothing that could quite explain it. 

So because of my lack of topic and motivation to upload pictures from the past two day's events I am going to leave you with this....

"I definitely need a new suitcase"

Seriously so cute and so funny!! 

Happy Weekend Friends!
Kaitlin Jean

Thursday, October 20, 2011

It's Alright, It's Okay, Go Ahead and Smile Anyway!

Well Hello There!! 

I hope you are having a fabulous Thursday!
(Were almost to Friday people!! Almost!!)

Sooooo you know that link up party that I did a few weeks ago?!?

Well Im joining in on that little party again today!

"It's Okay" take a two hour nap instead of doing homework press your ear to the ground to hear your neighbors below you's fight.
(it was quite a nasty one let me tell ya) ride on empty as long as mechanically possible sometimes flirt like a teenage girl 
(with my boyfriend of course!!!) have dreams about food. right?! I mean I just want to eat like a normal person again!!! think my carved pumpkin is the best carved pumpkin thats ever been carved!
(pictures coming soon!!) want a planner thats $50... Its erin condren which completely justifies it! finally except that I am not a morning blogger. As much as I want to be it just isn't happening. Im more of a whenever I can get the blogging in kinda gal. pretend I know exactly what Justin is talking about when he tries to tell me random facts from his finance and accounting class. love that I never clean dishes after making dinner anymore! I'm kind of afraid to admit this one, hopefully Justin wont decide to stop being Mr. Amazing Dishwasher Man.

and that's all folks!

What do you all think is okay?!?!

Kaitlin Jean

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Let's Get a Little Cozy

Is anyone else having one of those "I just wanna snuggle up and lay around all day long" days?!?

ME!! ME!! ME!!

It a perfect snuggle weather of 55º here in my little town today. I am reluctantly being a good college kid today and going to all of my classes even though I would much rather just stay right here! 

{Thank goodness for a two and a half hour break between classes so I can still come home for a bit!}

Now I just need to get this guy to take a homework break and come join me for my cuddle break!!
(I currently failing at making this happen but I will prevail! Hopefully.)

I hope you are all having a very happy Wednesday!!

Now go grab your favoritest blanket and grab your cuddle partner!
(pillows and pets are great alternatives to people)

Kaitlin Jean

Monday, October 17, 2011

My Wonderful, Amazing, Glourious Vaca!!

Sooo I Lied.....

Have yall been wondering where in the world i have been?!

Well I wish I could say I've been off on a glorious vacation or that I was kidnapped for a almost week long shopping spree but my disappearance was much less than happy and exciting. 

I was gone because right now I look like this

okay not exactly like that because I have a human face but the ratio of cheek size to the face size is just about right.

I had my wisdom teeth taken out!!

Before I had my surgery I had heard that either I would do great and it would be like nothing happened or it would be supper horrible and I would almost die.

Sadly I was not a lucky winner to pull the "this is nothing" card. 

One.) I don't do well on Anastasia at all. 

Two.) I have a HUGE fear of needles especially when they have anything to do with going into the crease in my arm (thats a whole another story for later... lets just say I was traumatized as a child)

Three.) All of my wisdom teeth were deeply impacted

Four.) Before the Dr. even introduced himself he walked in looked at my x-ray and said "oh man! You're definitely gonna on a two week recovery plan.
(ummm two weeks?! not what I was planning!)

So yeah all of these things combined didn't exactly add up to be the greatest moment of my life yet. And trust me I wish I was exaggerating. 

Luckily I am finally able to be a normal sain human being (I am finally off my oxicodonx...lets just say know one should have to see me while under its influence.)

Also I have been able to upgrade from a liquid diet to a soft food diet! 

which means lots of
and lots and lots of these!!

Oh and the one thing that I have found to be one of the worst things about this whole ordeal is not being able to drink out of a straw!! Yes straws, you never know how much you love straws until you cant use them anymore.

Okay Okay Ill end my complaining and pity party now!

I sure hope you all had a glorious weekend and that your week is going to be even better!!

I miss you all bunches!!
Kaitlin Jean

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Is Today Really Tuesday!?

Yeah it's just one of those days...

Are you sure today isn't really Monday in disguise?!?!

Hope ya'll are having a very happy Tuesday!
Kaitlin Jean

Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Love #21

Justin is turning the big 2-1Today!!
Woot Woot!!!
Happy Birthday Honey!! 
I love you soooo much!!
Im really hoping this birthday is the BEST birthday you have ever had!!

Tonight's Celebrations will include a simple relaxed evening (at his request) and some homemade cooking made by muah (Ok and the birthday man too) 

Oh and a bottle of wine if I can convince ^^^ that guy! Hoping its not replaced by some super "manly" beer ;) (maybe Ill have a bottle of wine to myself ha!)

There will also be some present opening will also be taking place tonight!
 Honestly I don't have a very good record of awesome present shopping/giving. I always end up with a wrong size or some broken electronic or little lame nick nak. BUT this birthday Im trying to change my record and go for the gold! I can't reveal Justin's gifts yet because I have one of those awesome men that reads my blog everyday! ;) So tomorrow I will reveal if the gift givin was a success! 

If you wanna leave Justin some Birthday Wishes you totally should! I know it would make his B-day even awesomer!!
 (yeah I just made that word up!)

Have a very happy Monday Lovelies!!!
Kaitlin Jean
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