Thursday, July 7, 2011

Take...To?...Too?.. oh TWO!

Hello everybody! It’s time for take two of Awkward & Awesome Thursday! yay! Last Thursday feels like it was seriously only yesterday! This week has gone by soo super fast! Craziness just Craziness!
1. So for some reason every time I go get some coffee at work I get the last of the pot and because I am so nice I always start a new one for the next person that wants coffee. Here is the dealo though, there is never any coffee to make some more so I always end up walking to every little kitchenette around the building (there’s two on each floor) trying to get some. Finally I got tired of it so I took a few from each one resulting with my arms full of deliciousness (aka coffee) (They come in these pre-measured packs and so one pack = one pot of coffee. it’s cool) My last stop was the third floor, I work on the first floor, and I always take the stairs just to feel a little less lazy. You should also know I have a fear of falling down stairs, I don’t know why but I just do. So on my victory “I have lots of coffee” one man parade down the stairs my big fear almost came true! I lost my balance and immediately grabbed onto the handrail (aka the life raft in a stairwell) and in result of me saving my life I dropped ALL the coffee!  Just as I recollected myself and began to pick up the precious little packs the big guy of the house and a whole group of other people behind him were coming up the stairs. When I say big guy I mean like the OWNER of the company! He looked at all the coffee all over the place and then at me with a “what the hell are you doing” look proceeded to make some joke, that I didn’t hear which made everyone with him start laughing at me. After all that they all helped me pick up the mess so that was nice but it was defiantly winner for the one and only on the awkward list today!
Oh and
1.5 English is my least favorite subject in school! It always has been and probably always will be! I am the worst speller in the world and I am not the best at grammar either which might explain if you ever see some weird words and sentences on here! I'm sorry about that!! It's a little embarrassing sometimes! I don't really like to nitpick my post because I like having the rawness of my thoughts come out; therefore there are things that I might miss or not completely realize I have messed up. So if you don't mind you can do 1 of three things: 1. Just laugh and try to figure out what I am meaning/saying 2. Just laugh and tell me so I can fix it or 3. Think "how did this chick graduate elementary school?!" and include either number 1 or 2! Thank you!
1.       The kitchenette on my floor now has enough coffee stocked to last us three weeks!!
2. Over on Ashley's blog, The Shine Project, she had a wonderful guest, Casey Wiegand, who has a "How to make your own blog button" lesson post today! This completely made my day because I have been trying to figure out how to make one of those cute little things! So thank you Ashley and Casey!!
3. My grandma took me out shopping for some of necessities I still needed for my apartment last night! She is a sweetie and now I am almost all set up and ready to move! woo hoo!
4. My grandma also took me out to dinner last night at olive garden! I ended up with some leftovers and it made an awesome lunch!!
5. I am going on vacation tomorrow! I’ll give you all the details in my post tomorrow ;)
6. My little sister made some Amazing chocolate cover strawberries (and a few blueberries lol) earlier this week! They were delish!
I hope everyone is having an awesome day! And for those of you who do not work today and are getting to have your dates with Mr. Sun, know I am incredibly jealous!!
Kaitlin Jean

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